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Cast List Update!


Greetings, Ye Fiends of Fright!


For a variety of reasons (and a lot of discussion), we have changed things up regarding our 2024 cast lists. 


Due to some changes from a few - and many updates on availability - we invite everyone on this email to join us for rehearsal this Saturday, September 7th, from 5:00-8:00 pm. We will final-confirm your dates you can work, and put everyone through a more show-specific experience. Then, instead of making you wait until showtime, we’ll announce the final cast list (both regular cast and alternates) by Monday, September 9th.


Please note that if you have any changes to your schedule, updates on allergies / health needs, or other important data, please let us know ASAP. This is essential for a safe and smooth experience as we prepare for opening night at the end of this month.


See you Saturday!

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